We all struggle with identity and self worth growing up, but the cold, hard truth is that we don't leave all the mean girls behind when we cross the stage at graduation. Enter the career woman, seeking to redefine herself as an adult with abilities and credibility. Daily, we are challenged to prove ourselves worthy to people who don't (all) even care about us. If we fail, we believe we are failures. We turn back the clock on ourselves, shutting out all our other triumphs, and dragging ourselves back to the sixth grade PE class, crying because we were picked last for the team, or humiliated when we can't climb the rope. Why do we allow that to happen? We have fallen into the trap of looking to others for approval, value, and identity, instead of The Lord. Paul wrote "Obviously, I’m not trying to win the approval of people, but of God. If pleasing people were my goal, I would not be Christ’s servant." (Galatians 1:10 NLT) We are created in God's image, beauti...
Finding growth, joy and purpose in impossible places