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Showing posts from December 12, 2014

New Day

Have you ever had a bad day? I'll bet you just laughed. I have had a few lately. Yesterday started out a little harried, and then rapidly snowballed into "A Series of Unfortunate Events." From the outside, looking in, it's not nearly as catastrophic as we see it--all the blunders and stumbles that sprinkle unsavory seasoning on our days, as if we mistook the tin of paprika for cinnamon, and dusted it all over the top of our cappuccino....we get the first whiff of our error just before taking that first gulp, but we take the gulp anyway, and...yuck!!! The price of a momentary lapse of attention can be hard to swallow in worse ways than that! "I should have stayed in bed this morning!!" becomes our internal battle cry. Oh, yes it does. Imagine Mel Gibson, warpaint and all, sitting on his horse, as he rallies the troops for revolution in that epically memorable scene from BraveHeart. His horse, snorting, stomping and dancing as his rider tries to control hi...