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Showing posts from March 13, 2017

Seasons of Self Indulgence

As I peel my second orange of the day, in hopes of fending off another sugar withdrawal headache, I'm feeling the effects of a little too much self-indulgence the past year. From a steamy summer, savoring repeated trips to Chick fil-a for the refreshment of their famed Peach Milkshake, and into autumn and winter, which brought the annual Pumpkin Spice Latte binge, followed by Thanksgiving, Christmas, then Valentine's candy...well, it amounts to one massive sweet downward spiral for this sugar addict. Shameful. Even though my denomination does not traditionally observe Lenten season, you can see why I feel the need to do it myself.  There are times to indulge, and times to enjoy, but I'm attacked with pangs of guilt, (pains unfortunately unabated by Motrin or Excedrin) regularly, on the 24th of the month, as I work my way through Proverbs 24, to verse 27. "It is not good to eat much honey; so to seek one's own glory, is not glory." Ouch.  " He  must   ...