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Showing posts from March 11, 2020

He knows

It’s so amazing how all of nature is set in motion, even before the sun rises. While it’s still dark, the birds begin singing, squirrels are rustling around...around the clock, buds are opening into blooms and new leaves, while fresh wildflowers and garden flowers pop... None of this requires the prompting or hand of man to happen. No one has to set a Siri reminder to tell the nocturnal creatures it’s time to go to sleep, or the crickets silence, to give way to the woodpecker.  No one has to tell the birds to gather food for their young, either. They already know to do this.  If a simple bird knows how to satisfy the basic needs of its fledglings, how much more does your Heavenly Father know when, what and how much you need? Like a doting parent, he sometimes even goes overboard, just to show us he cares.  Before we even ask, he knows. Before we even know, he knows. #BackyardDevo