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Showing posts from February 1, 2016

Meandering-Mind-Monday? Find focus in a fresh start!

As I peruse an ever-growing list of elusive deliverables and bothersome to-do's for today, my empathetic heart swells for all my friends out there who will hit the snooze button at least twice, opting for a pony-tail and 2-minute face to delay hopping into the shower, then the daily hamster wheel, just a little longer. Do you ever feel like this? (the little critter in the wheel) Sometimes it seems like we are just tumbling from one task to the next, almost mindlessly, so caught up in the urgency to get things done that we forget to weigh the value of what we are doing. When I say, "meandering-mind-Monday," I'm talking about the weekly recurring panic that sets in as I see the days dwindling away until an upcoming event, with so much left to do that I start to feel that roller-coaster adrenaline start to surge---you know that feeling you used to get the night before a final exam, when reality hits--you don't know half of this stuff, there is no time to le...