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Showing posts from March 31, 2015

Discontent & Defeatism

As I continue to read through the book of Numbers, I am daily shaking my head at perpetual discontent among the Israelites. Imagine how irritated Moses was! Have you ever had to manage or work with a group of chronic malcontents? It's amazing how just a few of them can absolutely suck the life out of the whole place!...perhaps even the whole galaxy, if they weren't limited by atmospheric forces.  Today, we (and I mean the royal "we") might have a legitimate, documented, witnessed, recorded, notarized, TMZ-grade Titanic-size boatload of complaints, but how much does it REALLY help to make those issues the center of your attention? (or the entirety of it?) The Lord knows we all need to vent a little, once in awhile, but this should be done in very limited quantities, and with a very private audience--someone you trust implicitly. That would NOT be your Facebook or Twitter audience, ladies (and gentlemen). William Shakespeare wrote: " Mind your speech a littl...