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Showing posts from December 3, 2014

Unexpected gifts

The other day, while rummaging through my closet for the ever-elusive "other shoe," I found a box full of things I brought home from my office when I retired. There it was -- the book she gave, as a parting gift -- "Oh, the Places You Will Go!" "Yes, gladly out the door, I thought."  It was trendy at the time for mentors to make symbolic gifts of this inspirational Dr. Seuss book. I'm not sure if I hate the sight of it because it was so trite at the time, or because I still have a little twinge of un-forgiveness for the many other thing she gave me --self-doubt, nerve-racking days, and sleepless nights. I really need to get over that. Something rather earth-shattering occurred to me this morning, as I prayed and thanked God for His goodness. As humans, even as good, "God-fearing" people, we often make mistakes. We hurt people unintentionally deeply--without even knowing it.  If we, who are well-meaning, and generally kind, can sometimes un...