Rome wasn't invented in a day, they say, but I'm sure the builders had a very specific vision in mind, as ambitious and passionate as they were... Today, I'm really tired, and it's hard to think about all of my tasks being teleported from the "gotta get this done" place in my world, to the ever-elusive "completed" column. How do we stay motivated, when there seems to be no end in sight? A little car repair shop in my hometown has a motivational sign out front that says "Keep your eye upon the doughnut and not the hole." Oops, I did it again -- brought up doughnuts :| so sorry.... Try to focus on the analogy, for a moment, instead of wondering what kind of glaze is drizzled on top, or if its topped with crunchy nuts or yummy party-in-your-mouth sprinkles, or maybe it's a gourmet doughnut with pumpkin or bacon....sorry, there I go, again... Focusing on the solution instead of the problem is, invariably, the key factor in many a g...
Finding growth, joy and purpose in impossible places